Margaret Lindgren Peace Kids Scholarship

How can you support the ICUJP Margaret Lindgren Peace Kids Scholarship?

ICUJP is committed to building up the next generation of peacemakers and is excited to partner with Peace Kids/ Peace Camp/ Youth leadership to create the ICUJP Margaret Lindgren Peace Kids Scholarship, which will provide a year-long stipend to employ an ICUJP named Peace Kids Intern.

This Scholarship is to honor the lifelong work and legacy of Margaret Lindgren, a founding member of ICUJP. Margaret dedicated her life and resources to the work of peace and justice. She was particularly concerned with those at the margins. This scholarship honors her by supporting a young person age 15-18 in South L.A. in becoming a peace leader in Peace Kids and in this community. Margaret's legacy lives on in this scholarship dedicated in her name by ICUJP and her family.


Jabias was a young man who started coming to Peace Kids when he was 11 years old. His mom said that he had experienced some problems with anger management and was hopeful that he could benefit from the program. Jabias flourished and found his passion working with younger kids. Jabias, who has some older relatives involved in gangs, remained steadfast and  committed to the peacemaking programs. Eventually, he graduated from high school, started college and applied to be a teacher in our programs. He is now a much-beloved peace teacher with the younger kids in the program and has grown into a confident, compassionate, and committed young man. He is working on his college credits and apprenticing with a glass-blower, all the while creating time to be a peace teacher and role model for the younger kids!

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Proposed cuts to education and enrichment programs bring new urgency for the need to support young people in peace and justice leadership roles and stop students from continuing their path in the “school-to-prison” pipeline.”

Partnered with landmark institutions such as the Peace Kids/Peace Camp/Youth Leadership, the ICUJP Peace Kids program strives to uplift students while providing comprehensive education from a peacemaking perspective, a global peace education with an emphasis on developing the next generation of community change agents.

How you can help: 

  • The inclusive cost for one intern is $1450 for a full school year
  • $25 provides a stipend for one of the 34 days of the program
  • $50 provides one month of the school-year program on 2 Saturdays
  • $200 provides the scholarship for 1 semester
  • $250 proves a stipend for one week of the summer Peace Camp program
  • $400 provides the stipend for 2 semesters of the school-year program on Saturdays
  • $600 provides funding toward college tuition, helping to incentivize youth by creating a future self he or she can imagine going to college
  • $850 provides $25 for each of the 34 days a year the program meets, which can be used for current living expense. 

We need your donations and support to grow the Margaret Lindgren Peace Kids Scholarship program. 

Your donation will make a difference in the life of an ICUJP Scholar/Peace Kids Intern



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